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Achieve smooth, natural-looking skin with the help of BELLAFILL, the only FDA-approved dermal filler for smile lines and acne scars that lasts up to one year. At Simplicity Medspa in Seattle, we specialize in this revolutionary filler, which contains PMMA Microspheres to provide immediate volume and support collagen production. Say goodbye to fine lines and scars and hello to confidence with BELLAFILL.

Kabella Nasoblabial Folds

Nasolabial Folds

We understand that choosing the right dermal filler is an important decision, which is why we are proud to offer Bellafill at Simplicity Medspa. This innovative filler has been clinically proven to be safe and effective for the correction of nasolabial folds, or smile lines, with results that can last up to five years. Our experienced clinicians will take the time to understand your specific needs and concerns, and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve the results you desire.

Portrait Against Blue Sky

Acne scars

Get ready to transform your skin with our Bellafill treatment, a safe and effective solution for acne scars. Our certified practitioners use the latest techniques to ensure that you receive the best results possible. Experience the instant gratification that comes with having a smoother complexion!

What you need to know about Bellafill


Say goodbye to wrinkles and sagging skin with our Bellafill treatment. Our medical spa offers this cutting-edge treatment that can restore cheek and facial volume, reduce the appearance of under-eye circles and hollow areas, as well as help reduce the appearance of surgical and acne scars. We also offer lip plumping for the perfect pout. Contact us today to learn more.


5 reasons to get bellafill:


  1. Long lasting results - Bellafill is a filler that contains collagen and PMMA to support your skin for up to five years+. Our team at Simplicity Medspa can help you determine if this treatment is right for you and get you on your way to glowing, healthy-looking skin.

  2. Budget Friendly - Bellafill last longer than most fillers requiring less visits

  3. Versatility - This versatile treatment is perfect for enhancing a variety of skin issues, including facial volume, wrinkles, and acne scars. We offer personalized consultations to ensure the best results possible. Contact us today to learn more about how Bellafill can benefit you!

  4. Safety - FDA approved for anti aging, scar reduction and skin rejuvenation.

  5. Effectiveness - results can last up to five years+ and our clients say they love how natural this filler feels.

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